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57 votes

Are there benefits in travel insurance for travelers with deep pockets?

Insurance is most useful for rare but severe losses. Frequent but minor losses should be self-insured (i.e. paid by you), for precisely the reasons you stated. If my home burns down, I don't care ...
Jim MacKenzie's user avatar
51 votes

Why should you have travel insurance?

What you've described is the case for all insurance. If the expected value of the insurance policy for the average buyer costs more than the premium, the insurance company will eventualy go out of ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
50 votes

Why should you have travel insurance?

"Why should you have travel insurance?" - because the insurance company makes money from it. That is their reason to offer it. What is your reason to have insurances? If you have the need to cover ...
Aganju's user avatar
  • 28.7k
34 votes

How to buy a car for a road trip in the United States?

First off, don't let anyone tell you it's not worth it: you can find cheap cars that are very likely to keep running for a the duration of your trip. They won't be in the best shape, but that's true ...
Lg102's user avatar
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33 votes

Does travel insurance for short flight delays exist?

The thing to bear in mind with insurance is that you always expect to pay more in your premium than you would expect to get paid from the policy. If you're insuring against a 30 minute delay for a ...
MJeffryes's user avatar
  • 17.7k
28 votes

Are there benefits in travel insurance for travelers with deep pockets?

The basic principle of buying any insurance is that it is only prudent to do so if you can't afford to pay out the potential liability out of pocket. That's why getting insurance for something like a ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
  • 81.6k
27 votes

What is the difference between "health insurance" in the US and "travel insurance"

Travel insurance usually covers a range of problems that might happen while traveling including lost luggage, rental car towing, and tour cancellation fees, not just health insurance. As to whether ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 16.1k
27 votes

Is there a risk to write an invitation letter for a stranger to obtain a Czech (Schengen) visa?

There is no requirement that visitors to the Schengen area (which Czechia is part of) need to be invited by a citizen or resident. The standard procedure is that your friend would apply for a visa ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
26 votes

Canadian citizen needs insulin in US during lockdown

You can get insulin without a prescription in USA. However, since it won’t be the kind you’re accustomed to, you should get a doctor’s advice.
WGroleau's user avatar
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25 votes

Is there a risk to write an invitation letter for a stranger to obtain a Czech (Schengen) visa?

In Czech Republic, invitations (pozvání) are highly formalized and often impractical. Here's the process: Depending on the type of invitation (see below), you may need to prepare a bank statement or ...
ach's user avatar
  • 2,836
20 votes

Is there a charge for mountain rescue in Spain (Canary Islands)?

In many regions of Spain and depending on the circumstances, the costs associated with search and rescue are passed on to those who need it. It has been the subject of intense media coverage in recent ...
Giorgio's user avatar
  • 35.6k
20 votes

Do you need to add a day to travel insurance if your plane arrives a day later than departure?

You are covered during the dates that are stated in the contract. Let's say your flight departs on the 18th and lands on the 19th covering multiple time zones and you only book insurance until the ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 112k
19 votes

How should I be prepared to deal with medical emergencies abroad?

Medicaid does not cover medical care outside the United States. In addition, you should check your state's eligibility rules to ensure you don't need to re-enroll when you get back, as your coverage ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
19 votes

US Healthcare consultation for visitors

Since I work in US on H1B visa, is it possible for me to cover my parents under the insurance provided by my employer? Probably not. This is generally only available for your spouse and dependent ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
17 votes

Why should you have travel insurance?

Doesn't it make sense to, instead of buying travel insurance, just save the money you would otherwise pay for it and when something happens to you, pay it from this saved money? Frequently, yes, but ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 140k
17 votes

My visit is for two weeks but my host bought insurance for two months is it okay

In addition to the answer of @Anish Sheela (+1), there are many many reasons why someone may have insurance for a longer period than a trip. Some people get travel insurance as a part of a larger ...
Petr's user avatar
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16 votes

Insufficient travel insurance to cover the massive medical expenses for a visitor to US?

If you're in a life threatening situation, unconscious and dying - the US hospitals are obligated to treat you whether you can pay them or not. But once you're no longer in a life-threatening ...
littleadv's user avatar
  • 22.5k
15 votes

Insurance when traveling to the United States

Yes, medical insurance is absolutely necessary if you visit the US. Technically he will be allowed into the country, but without medical insurance, in the US (the most expensive country in the world ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
  • 68.5k
15 votes

How can I get insured to drive any car in any country without owning a car?

At least here in Australia, all (?) car insurance policies permit other people to occasionally drive the car and still be covered by insurance, so you don't need to do anything. The main caveats are: ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
  • 99.2k
15 votes

My visit is for two weeks but my host bought insurance for two months is it okay

The insurance for the purpose of Schengen visa has to cover the duration of stay. If it's longer than the duration, there are no issues. Just make sure the rest of the documents clearly prove your ...
Anish Sheela's user avatar
  • 17.1k
14 votes

Is it true that you can receive emergency care in the UK completely free of charge?

Yes it can cause issue with future immigration applications. Hospital treatment is free to ‘ordinary residents’ of the UK. But if you are visiting the UK – to stay with family, on business, as a ...
Max's user avatar
  • 14.7k
14 votes

Is it true that you can receive emergency care in the UK completely free of charge?

Is the claim true? Will the hospital discharge you without presenting any bill? For emergency care, it seems true. For any other care you will get billed. Please remember that emergency care is ...
coteyr's user avatar
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14 votes

Are there benefits in travel insurance for travelers with deep pockets?

The general rule is that you insure it only if you cannot afford to pay it. So, if your insurance cannot cover more than you can, such as your $10K example, then there is not much point. This is ...
Itai's user avatar
  • 46.3k
14 votes

Why should you have travel insurance?

Your math is correct, but only makes sense on a large scale. Let's take an even simpler example. Assume the chances of you falling sick on a given trip is 1%, and the medical and transportation costs ...
Mophotla's user avatar
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14 votes

Can I get a travel insurance policy which is valid for NON-MEDICAL claims, despite undeclared medical conditions?

The product you are looking for is called Cancellation Insurance. A typical product covers you in the case that you have to cancel a trip due to unforeseen circumstances, or for something like luggage ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
  • 68.5k
14 votes

Insufficient travel insurance to cover the massive medical expenses for a visitor to US?

Depends how they enter the system. Being foreign doesn't enter into it much. If they see a doctor's clinic (what would be called a GP in the UK), or walk-up service (called "Urgent Care"), ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
13 votes

Is there a charge for mountain rescue in Spain (Canary Islands)?

After a rescue operation, there will be an enquiry to determine the circumstances that led to it. They will check everything you did, what kind of equipment you had with you, clothing, shoes... If ...
Diego Sánchez's user avatar
13 votes

Why should you have travel insurance?

You need travel insurance because otherwise you'd have to save a lot. I don't know which country you're from where a broken leg requiring a helicopter trip sets you back only $5'000. In US, a broken ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
13 votes

Do you need to add a day to travel insurance if your plane arrives a day later than departure?

I have always learned that you book your travel insurance till you are back home, including the day you arrive home. This is because it also covers your travels, whether plane or car or whatever. And ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k

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