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79 votes

What are cell phone lots at US airports for?

The idea is that when you go to pick someone up from Arrivals, instead of circling around until they show up, you go and park in the cell-phone lot until the person calls you and summons you. Ideally,...
Michael Lorton's user avatar
52 votes

What are these half-size parking spaces in a supermarket lot?

It's two motorcycle parking spaces, somewhat confusingly embedded in markings of similar size that mean "don't park here".
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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51 votes

How to make myself more visible in traffic as an EU mainland driver in the UK?

Use a P plate. Here's an example of some on sale. (No affiliation, this is just a major UK retailer which came to mind).
Dan's user avatar
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49 votes

How can I cross the English channel with a car?

The shortest crossings are the quickest and cheapest. So Dover/Calais is very popular. And the EuroTunnel train from Folkstone/Calais is effectively the same, but quicker (35 minutes compared with 90 ...
djna's user avatar
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48 votes

Is it legal to turn high beams on when driving on a European highway with fully separated lanes?

Definitely do not use your high beams if there is a car in front of you. It will distract them or send a message of intimidation. As for the cars coming towards you, this depends on the distance ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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39 votes

Reserved parking for women in Germany

The main reason that women parking places exist is that parking areas are often considered as creepy. At some time they are completely deserted so you hear only the deep humming of the fluorescent ...
Thorsten S.'s user avatar
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39 votes

Auto/Manual transmissions in Europe

As a European, I would say that we definitely tend to drive manual cars way more than automatic, although automatic cars are becoming more common especially in city settings. Compared to, let's say 10 ...
Veronica Coppolaro's user avatar
34 votes

Since New York doesn't have a residential parking permit system, can a tourist park in Manhattan for free?

Yes. Any tourist can park in the same areas as a resident. The only "benefit" for residents of NYC is an exemption from paying the NYC 8% parking tax, though they still pay NY State portion of the ...
Sam Sepiol's user avatar
34 votes

How to buy a car for a road trip in the United States?

First off, don't let anyone tell you it's not worth it: you can find cheap cars that are very likely to keep running for a the duration of your trip. They won't be in the best shape, but that's true ...
Lg102's user avatar
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34 votes

Do the speed limit reductions due to pollution also apply to electric cars in France?

I'm french and as far as I know, this is for all types of vehicles. The reduction of pollutant emissions is due to lower car consumption and a slow-moving traffic flow that avoids too much ...
Noé Barras's user avatar
34 votes

How shall I proceed if my car may contain illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia before entering Canada by car from the US?

If either the American or or Canadian police find drugs in your car they will assume it's yours Possession is 9/10ths of the law. If there are drugs in your car a border agent will assume it's yours. ...
sevensevens's user avatar
33 votes

Since New York doesn't have a residential parking permit system, can a tourist park in Manhattan for free?

In Theory... sure. In practice... Unless you have a fairly good understanding of New York's somewhat arcane Alternate Side Parking rules, the patience of a saint, and the willingness to walk all ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
31 votes

Traveling with my bicycle on top of my car in Europe

I've sometimes driven in the UK and France with bikes on top, more often with kayaks. It's perfectly reasonable but you do need to take care. I assume you have a normal-height car to start with, ...
Chris H - UK's user avatar
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28 votes

Why are most roads and parking spaces in England narrower than in the rest of Europe?

There is a psychological aspect to this. In the UK the steering wheel is on the right, and we drive on the left. Our perception is that we are far away from the near side verge. We are used to it. On ...
Bob Goddard's user avatar
28 votes

What is the meaning of this black/white (likely non-traffic) sign seen on German highways?

These signs are part of a test track for autonomous driving. The German Wikipedia says in its article about the A9: Teststrecke für autonomes Fahren Abschnitte [der A9] in Bayern sollen als Testfeld ...
user24582's user avatar
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27 votes

What do letters "R" and "E" before parking slots in Spain mean?

According to the Zumaia website: There will be 3 parking areas: Resident area (painted white with the letters R and E) Areas of high rotation (A, B and C: painted blue and red) Half-...
jcaron's user avatar
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27 votes

Auto/Manual transmissions in Europe

Is that the case in the rest of EU, or just a Spanish thing? Percentage of cars with automatic transmission among 2018 sales (sales, not current fleet, and EVs are regarded as having automatic ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
26 votes

What type of license plate is this?

They are probably plates from Kyrgyzstan: They could be "Foreign plates": However, they do not exactly match: They match the font They match the color They match the KG, country code for ...
jcaron's user avatar
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25 votes

Why are most roads and parking spaces in England narrower than in the rest of Europe?

They aren't. Roads and parking spaces are about the same size in the UK and in continental Europe. UK car spaces might even be on the large side. Let's compare some modern standards for a dual ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
23 votes

Which country is this license plate from?

It is supposed to be a French plate from Corsica but it is definitely not compliant: French plates must be black on a white reflective background, with the sides blue, with on one side the EU flag (...
jcaron's user avatar
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22 votes

Shipping vehicle from US to Europe

Shipping vehicles (or any valuable asset) for short periods into a foreign country is always made easier by obtaining a Carnet de Passage en Douanes. This is equivalent to a passport for the vehicle ...
Pekka's user avatar
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22 votes

How shall I proceed if my car may contain illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia before entering Canada by car from the US?

Here is what I would do. Look through you car thoroughly and identify all illegal items but don't touch them Drive to the local police station, file a report and ask what to do with the illegal stuff....
Hilmar's user avatar
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21 votes

Is it legal to turn high beams on when driving on a European highway with fully separated lanes?

Because you specifically mentioned the Autobahn, I explain the situation in Germany. The relevant passage is § 17 der Straßenverkehrsordnung über Beleuchtung, Absatz (2): Auf Straßen mit ...
Thorsten S.'s user avatar
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21 votes

When planning to drive through Germany, what speed does the navigation system use for limitless highways?

Looking in open source applications is one approach. OsmAnd is an application for Android that I've used in the past and has given fairly accurate ETAs. This was quite fruitless though, as the only ...
Luc's user avatar
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21 votes

All day vs street parking in Edinburgh and Glasgow

On-street parking is available, and safe, in both Glasgow and Edinburgh; however it’s expensive¹ in and near the city centres (including on Sundays in some areas), it’s often very hard to find a spot ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
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20 votes

How to make myself more visible in traffic as an EU mainland driver in the UK?

I'm going to take issue with Dan North's accepted answer, not that it is bad, but let me put my own perspective on it. I am a Canadian, but spent most of my life in Scotland, learned to drive there ...
The Wandering Dev Manager's user avatar
20 votes

Gasoline beggars in and around Los Angeles — scam?

Two things: Simple grift. It's easier to get people to pump a gallon or two of gas rather than part with actual cash. It's a distraction. While you pump the gas, you're not watching your vehicle ...
DTRT's user avatar
  • 32.8k
20 votes

How can I leave a car for someone if we can't meet in person?

Fedex have a service called "Hold At Location", where you can ship a package to a Fedex Location (which generally includes most Fedex Kinkos location which are frequently opened 24x7), and they will ...
Doc's user avatar
  • 123k
20 votes

What is this sign with red triangle and black bottom up "T" on cars in Lithuania?

Given that very similar sign is employed in Russia, I would theorise it means that this car has little spikes built in its wheels' tyres, facing outwards. Spikes allow car to come to halt much faster ...
alamar's user avatar
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20 votes

What is this sign with red triangle and black bottom up "T" on cars in Lithuania?

I can confirm that in Lithuania these are are used in the same way as alamar described. See point 5 here:
Tautvydas's user avatar
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