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51 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

Look for the word "Kohlensäure", it's either on the front or in the list of ingredients: Just make sure it's not accompanied by "ohne" ("without"):
AndreKR's user avatar
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How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

First, carbonated is the standard in Germany, and that's what most people expect, so it would be the default assumption for something you see in the shelves. Of course, it is written on the drink, ...
Aganju's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on False Booking and Unreasonable Cancellation Fee

If you are referencing, on the booking request page for some cruise I randomly selected I see this: It also includes a link to more details about the booking process: Booking process ...
jcaron's user avatar
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19 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

In addition to points already mentioned, there is another indicator for plastic bottles: Try to press and see how easily you are able to dent them. The air in bottles of carbonated drinks is under ...
philipp's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

There is absolutely no way that I know (native German) to tell without reading the label. Bottles, colors of caps or whatever, I have never noticed any pattern that discerns carbonated from not ...
Tom's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

The name of the drink often shows if it is carbonated. The drink on the image is named "Apfelschorle". "Schorle" is carbonated juice. "Apfelsaft" on the other hand is natural apple juice (juice is "...
Benedikt Magnus's user avatar
3 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

Just a word of warning: if you really cannot abide carbon dioxide, "Still" is not even a guarantee for mineral water to be without carbon dioxide addition. It's just less than in "Medium". Turn the ...
user65433's user avatar
3 votes

Why are there so many German tourists in Capo Vaticano and Tropea?

Germans are very common in Italy during the summer. Garda Lake and more in general beaches from north to south are filled with them. Italy for germans is: near cheaper hotter than their home ...
napolux's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I discern if a bottled drink is carbonated or not in Germany?

"Sprudel" or "sprudelnd" are the German words for "fizz" and "fizzy" respectively, so these too are worth watching out for (as well as the "Kohlensaeure" already mentioned).
Jan Schnupp's user avatar
2 votes

German documents translation to English

The keyword to search for is beglaubigte übersetzung (add either your city or online to the query). You will find heaps of certified translators. Even those not operating completely online are ...
mts's user avatar
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1 vote

Entering Germany with COVID-19 border regulations

I'll give a purely practical answer without digging too much into the academics. Your first concern needs to be getting on the flight. For this, airport staff will use the TIMATIC database, which ...
Crazydre's user avatar
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UK Visa for Indian National: Translation Requirements for Employment Contract and Salary Slips

The official guidance from UK Visas and Immigration for Standard Visitor Visas states: If you submit a document that is not in English or Welsh, it must be accompanied by a full translation that can ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
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