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21 votes

How to get to Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai - The newest island on earth

Private yacht. COO of my previous company would sail from NZ to Fiji and back. Often people like this enjoy the company of another person on the boat. So either...get your own yacht, train and ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k
9 votes

How to get to Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai - The newest island on earth

You could look into doing the SEA Semester Program. While there is no guarantee that Hunga Tonga would be included, according to NASA, one of their ships, the SSV Robert C. Seamans, was among the ...
Matthew FitzGerald-Chamberlain's user avatar
8 votes

Which Transpacific Ultra Low Cost Carriers serve the mainland US aside from Zipair?

That's a somewhat broad question. There are a lot transpacific routes but almost all of them originate (or terminate) in North America. The busiest routes are probably between Japan and US/Canada west ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 112k
8 votes

Traveling from San Francisco to Tokyo with a peculiar medical condition

Airports are relatively easy. At SFO airport, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Air Carrier Access Act cover you so that you can request wheelchair service. It’s best to call ahead and also have ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 16.1k
7 votes

Is October a decent time to whalewatch for orca pods in Vancouver, B.C.? Question about migratory patterns in the Pacific Northwest?

Is October a decent time to whalewatch for orca pods in Vancouver, B.C.? Wild Whales Vancouver claims Fall may be the best time: Posted on September 12, 2016 by admin The tree lines are sprinkled ...
pnuts's user avatar
  • 28.5k
7 votes

How can anyone dare to swim in the ocean/sea-facing beaches with the shark risk?

There are around 82 reported unprovoked shark attacks anywhere in the world in a typical year, and last year it was a low of 64. Of those 64, only two were fatal. The chances of encountering a shark ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
6 votes

How can anyone dare to swim in the ocean/sea-facing beaches with the shark risk?

Chance to die of heart disease? 1 in 6 Chance to die of cancer? 1 in 7 Chance to die of suicide? 1 in 86 Chance to die of an opioid overdose? 1 in 98 Chance to die in a vehicle crash? 1 in 103 Chance ...
CGCampbell's user avatar
  • 10.2k
6 votes

Why is the carry-on allowance on several (most?) airlines between Pacific islands so low (~3kg)?

The limits you've stated are not the standard limits on those airlines, but instead limits that apply only to specific flights on (very) small planes. Carry-on limits vary wildly across airlines, but ...
Doc's user avatar
  • 124k
6 votes

Is October a decent time to whalewatch for orca pods in Vancouver, B.C.? Question about migratory patterns in the Pacific Northwest?

Pnuts provided an excellent answer above ^^^. I'm just providing a delayed update on what my personal experience was (for others who might be wondering about their chances to see orcas in October in ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
3 votes

Can anyone identity this beach/overlook? (Pacific Coast Highway)

After some more browsing on Google Maps I found the location! It is the Leffingwill Landing Area between San Simeon and Cambria. I verified by checking the coastline looking north in my original ...
lonewookie's user avatar

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