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5 votes

Train smartcards in the UK - which cards can you use on which networks?

Yes, depending on where you buy the ticket. For your example, Avanti website says you can buy any available smartcard ticket. It doesn’t matter if the ticket is bought through another train company ...
Traveller's user avatar
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4 votes

Do I need to validate a Genoa MET daily ticket every time?

I think you need to validate only once (so you get the date and time: it is valid 24h). Il biglietto deve essere convalidato e conservato per tutta la durata ed esibito al personale di verifica in ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to travel to Uppsala from Stockholm with SL unlimited card?

You'll always require a UL ticket, which costs 39 kr for adults, or 27 kr for students, seniors and youths aged below 20. Bus 982 is only covered by the SL ticket within the Stockholm fare zone. Fast ...
Crazydre's user avatar
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3 votes

Do I need to validate a Genoa MET daily ticket every time?

No, the ticket is validated only by first marking. It prints the starting moment (and place sometimes) and sets since when, and where, it is valid from. The end of the period is marked by the type of ...
Crowley's user avatar
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