Frequent traveller program
Most airlines belong to one of the three big alliances, in Alitalia's case Skyteam, but Etihad does not. However, since Etihad is a large investor in Alitalia, they encourage flights with them by ...
can i bring 5 foot long pvc pipe on a plane? traveling with lufthansa and aeroflot
As carry-on luggage
Most airlines have rules that limit the size of carry-on luggage (mostly so that it fits under the seat in front of you or in the overhead luggage bins). To make it easier to ...
Leaving everything behind and moving by airplane
Does anyone have any tips for packing large amounts?
Research the airline's baggage limits on their website. You'll usually be given a certain number of bags and a weight limit that are included in ...
Is it still necessary to manually fill out a migration card for Russia?
Russian version of Sheremetyevo (SVO) contains this information:
Не допускается заполнение въезжающими на территорию Российской Федерации иностранными гражданами бланков миграционных карт ...
Leaving everything behind and moving by airplane
I would suggest re-asking on expatriates.stackexchange.com or some other expat forum (expatfocus.com, for example, is one of many).
I would also consider truly "leaving [almost] everything behind." ...
Layover at Heathrow
According to Heathrow's own connection planner, the minimum connection time between these two flights is 90 minutes. Since you have 3h25m you'll have plenty of time (I ran the simulator with random ...
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