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15 votes

Does the EU stamp passports when travelling to and from Andorra?

So far neither France, Spain or Andorra have ever checked, let alone stamped, any passports on any of my trips in the last two years. Coach services will collect and submit a passenger manifest to ...
Tom Jin's user avatar
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5 votes

Bus services between SNCF gare d'Andorre-L'Hospitalet and Pas de la Casa

The line is currently out of service, but in winter there is a shuttle service operated separately for ski-pass holders (tickets included).
xngtng's user avatar
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4 votes

border controls for Andorra and other micro states?

Andorra does perform border control to apply rules depending on the nationality of visitors. They have freedom of movement agreements in place but the border controls serves check which rules apply to ...
Itai's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Andorra to avoid 90/180 trouble?

Would it actually be legal to alternate between Andorra and France or Spain? Yes, on condition that when entering Andorra you have a Schengen Area exit stamp and when leaving Andorra have a Schengen ...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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3 votes

Will I get a Schengen entry stamp when leaving Andorra or Faroe Islands?

I am not sure why your ask Will I get a Schengen entry stamp when leaving Andorra or Faroe Islands? because as I understand your plans it seem what you need is an exit stamp from Schengen, or an entry ...
pnuts's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I buy a pre-paid SIM card that will work in Andorra?

Andorra Telecom Wikia Andorra Telecom is the only network provider in this small country. The state owned company was formerly called Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra (STA) a.k.a. Som. It has ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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2 votes

Will I get a Schengen entry stamp when leaving Andorra or Faroe Islands?

The Andorrans nowadays don't stamp any passports unless you ask for it, and their stamps are not Schengen stamps, nor do they issue exit stamps The Faroe Islands, although not itself part of the ...
Crazydre's user avatar
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1 vote

Using Andorra to avoid 90/180 trouble?

Although Andorra’s agreements with France and Spain make it effectively part of Schengen, this can (allegedly) be avoided by requesting entry and exit stamps at the border.  I’m skeptical, due to the ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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1 vote

Is a day trip between Barcelona and Andorra possible?

A day trip frome Barcelona to Andora is definitely a great option and it is quite popular with those who are looking to shop and enjoy Andora's nightlife or its fantastic nature. Getting to Andora is ...
Ohad Shaked's user avatar
1 vote

Will I get a Schengen entry stamp when leaving Andorra or Faroe Islands?

I asked two friends who, separately, made the trip from Barcelona Spain to Andorra, and back to Spain. One was traveling on a Canadian passport, the other Turkish. Neither one received a stamp at the ...
Jeff G's user avatar
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