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7 votes

Why are some airlines omitted from GDS listings?

Although I cannot seem to find independent confirmation, I am almost certain ITA also sources its data directly from OAG and ATPCO, rather than relying on any GDS. At least, I think this likely in the ...
choster's user avatar
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6 votes

How can you reach Amadeus on behalf of American Airlines?

American Airlines uses Sabre for its internal PNRs. Their PNR references are six letter codes with no numbers. They are not related to the Amadeus PNR locators. What I would do is examine the Amadeus ...
Calchas's user avatar
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5 votes

Does ticket re-issue result in new PNR or New ticket number

For a reissued ticket (i.e. not a revalidated ticket), a totally new ticket will be issued. If the ticket is part of a booklet (i.e., there are more than four flights), all the conjoined tickets in ...
Calchas's user avatar
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5 votes

Ryanair tickets not showing on checkmytrip

You can only import bookings to CheckMyTrip, which were made through Amadeus GDS (since it's a system provided by them). They also mention this in their FAQ: Only bookings done on the Amadeus ...
dunni's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to lower the fares through Amadeus?

Airlines frequently offer lower fares on their websites than they do through GDSes, simply because they want to encourage brand loyalty and discourage price shopping. Under some circumstances, you may ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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how to book Emirates ticket without surname in Travelport GDS

There are some common things that can be used in lieu of a name, but it depends on the carrier. It's not uncommon to use something like NLN (No last name) or ULN (Unknown last name). Some carriers ...
billatq's user avatar
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3 votes

What is cryptic command for adding Excess Bagagge (chargeable SSR Element required) and issue EMD in Amadeus GDS

I just found the command, it is just for amadeus and different airlines has different format, its : SRXBAG ex: SRXBAG-TTL15KG1PC/S2 // S2 is Segment
Dashang G. Makwana's user avatar
2 votes

Ryanair tickets not showing on checkmytrip

The CheckMyTrip webpage FAQ under the header "Trip Import" says that only travel booked via the Amadeus system will import. Perhaps Ryanair uses another system, or refuses to allow their data to ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar

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