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7 votes

How exactly can I buy a local bus ticket (TransMilenio) in Bogotá, Colombia

I live in Bogota. Let me start with your statements. after arrival at the BOG airport, I must take a green connector bus, which is free. There is no option to buy a TransMilenio card at the airport. ...
Castiblanco's user avatar
1 vote

Getting from Buenos Aires to Bogota

Flights within South America are notoriously expensive. Occasionally, you might be able to get a deal, but you'd have to keep monitoring ticket prices. While one-way tickets seldom can be had on the ...
MastaBaba's user avatar
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Getting from Buenos Aires to Bogota

While you get a more concrete answer, here is some info. Rio is out of the way (its farther from Bogotá than BA is), unless you explicitly want to visit; it's a 3-hour flight (or 48-hour bus) from BA ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar

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