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92 votes

How safe is it to fly on a 22 year old Thai Airways Boeing 777-200?

The age of the aircraft has never been the root cause of an aviation catastrophe. It's the maintenance, the crew and the safety policies/procedures of the airline. A new aircraft that is not ...
Nean Der Thal's user avatar
69 votes

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

There is no such device because what you are proposing is impractical. Laptop chargers require between 100 and 240 volts alternating current input. (Some may require a more limited range). USB ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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32 votes

How safe is it to fly on a 22 year old Thai Airways Boeing 777-200?

If you look at the average age of aircraft, 22 years isn't actually that bad. I'd be more interested in checking out the accident rating of the ...
Rob's user avatar
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30 votes

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

Laptops take too much power It's perfectly reasonable to think that would work. The problem is the laptop class of machines just take more power than readily available present-day USB plugs can ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
23 votes

How safe is it to fly on a 22 year old Thai Airways Boeing 777-200?

I think the myth here is that an older aircraft isn't safer because of wear and tear. That's not really true due to maintenance requirements. If you want to, you could fly in a Douglas DC-3 (1930s ...
Machavity's user avatar
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17 votes

How safe is it to fly on a 22 year old Thai Airways Boeing 777-200?

Here is a thought, to complement what other answers explain about maintenance and safety. At the moment of writing this, there are 166 Boeing 777-200 in flight: This happens 24 hours a day, 365 ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
11 votes

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

It definitely exists! (just not how you describe it in your question) A quick look at my laptop's charger shows that it outputs 19V at 2.1A which is 40 watts of power. So for a 5V USB socket to give ...
user1306322's user avatar
10 votes

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

Eventually some USB ports will be able to supply up to 100W for just this purpose (USB 3.0 with SS PD logo) however not the ones on current Ethiopian planes most likely. Check with your ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
8 votes

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

As mentioned by everyone else, a USB to laptop adapter is useless for most laptops; unless you have one of the newer laptops that allow charging using USB-C (for example, the macbook and macbook pro, ...
Burhan Khalid's user avatar
6 votes

Avoiding flying with Boeing 737 Max

It’s difficult to have any certainty, as “operational reasons” can lead to aircraft changes up to the last minute, with a different aircraft from the same airline or even an aircraft for a different ...
jcaron's user avatar
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5 votes

Under seat hand luggage storage width on Boeing 737-800

There is no standard size for under seat stowage because it varies greatly depending on the seat used and other equipment. Yes, the curvature of the wall affects the dimensions. The placement of the ...
DTRT's user avatar
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3 votes

Routes out of Seattle-Tacoma airport (SEA) served by Boeing 747

I checked this by paging through the FlightAware results, then looking at all the international routes from SEA and verifying the ones operated with 747s, excluding cargo flights (Korean Air Lines and ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
3 votes

Contacts on Emirates Boeing 777-300 flight's headphone jack

This appears to be a type of MJU (Magnetic Jack Unit) as seen here: According to the literature at that site the silver-like contacts are magnets that ...
Michael Burns's user avatar
2 votes

Is it worth while to get extra leg-room when travelling on a 16 hour flight, on a 777-300ER?

This looks like an Air India 777-300ER The good news is that it's a 3-3-3 configuration which is reasonably comfortable. In ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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1 vote

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

USB-C Laptop If your laptop has good support for USB-C you should be able to charge it using a USB cable, without using a big laptop charger. Some laptops doesn't support charging using USB-C, but ...
Mikael Dúi Bolinder's user avatar

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