I will be in Spain by the last few days in September, and since the Munich Oktoberfest ends on October 4th, I have a few days to visit Oktoberfest. I'm a Sri Lankan citizen, and I look obvious for anyone that I'm from the Indian sub continent.
I'm obsessed with the Oktoberfest and I'd love to go, but I have never seen Indian/Sri Lankan people going there and from all the photos I can see, all the visitors German, European, etc.
Is it culturally acceptable for us to visit Oktoberfest? I have a hotel booking nearby on October 2nd (I'll be at Munich by October 1st) and I have read about the dressing, food, etc. and I'm OK with it. But one question I have left unanswered is whether it would be awkward for me to visit there.
Thank you very much for your answers! They cleared my doubts and there's no way this South Asian not going to Oktoberfest :)
I accepted an answer, but all of them (7 so far) are equally helpful. Please don't hesitate to add more information. I'm sure this will help others with doubts too.
I hope to see you in Munich :)