I'd like to see the Milky Way. There is a lot of light pollution in the area I live in (a value of around 6 on the Bortle scale). I can see a few stars at night, but not the Milky Way. I understand the Milky Way becomes visible at a value of 4 on the Bortle scale, but I would really like to see it clearly, so I am looking for a place with a value of 3 or lower.
I've looked on http://darksitefinder.com/maps/world.html but most decent-looking spot appears to be in inaccessible areas, like Eifel National Park which is closed at night.
Where in Europe can I clearly see the Milky Way with the following restrictions:
- Within a day's trip from Antwerp (say up to 8 hours by car or plane+drive and the next day to get back).
- Accessible without a visa for EU-citizens.
- Maximum brightness of 3, preferably 2 or even 1 on the Bortle scale.
- Accessible. I'd like to go there by car or regular public transport. I'm willing to walk up to 10 km if needed. No special gear needed to get there.
- Accessible at night. If this site is in a park, the park should be open at night (seasonal opening hours are fine, one time a year is not).
- Not crazy expensive or to access (think private plane or boat).
- Optionally: an event that creates a dark site where I can see the Milky Way, like all lights out in a city.