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Questions tagged [papua-new-guinea]

The Independent State of Papua New Guinea, being the eastern part of the island of New Guinea together with associated smaller islands, just north of the most northern part of Australia.

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2 answers

Visa to Germany with Titre De Voyage document

My husband is a refugee in Papua New Guinea and has been issued a refugee travel document, Titre De Voyage by the Papuan government. Are there any countries in the EU where he can enter visa-free/...
Zoli's user avatar
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When I tavel from Papua new Guinea to US, do I need both a Visa and a Passport? [closed]

I am trying to travel overseas from Papua New Guinea to USA. What permit do I need, is it visa or passport? Or do I need both to make my trip there?
janet anton's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Malaysia to Papua New Guinea by motorcycle?

Is it possible to ride from Malaysia to Papua New Guinea by motorcycle. Any help would be much appreciated.
Gareth's user avatar
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Which of these places in Papua New Guinea or the Solomon Islands would be the most accessible?

There's a solar eclipse on May 10 that covers part of Papua New Guinea. There are four feasible options to see it, as far as I can tell from the path. Alotau, on the east of Papua New Guinea. ...
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