I believe that the standard routes of carriers between two semi-major US cities always maintain the same route number (e.g. UA3271), and day of the week. I'm looking at planning travel for an interview, so dates are [currently] quite flexible (as in at least one month's range). Since that's the case, there are other constraints that go into my choice of flights. One would be the option to fly out of my home city, land in the interview location, conduct the interview, and fly out in the same day. I figure: if I can view the schedule for flights (i.e. routes) between the two cities, I can make an educated request for days of travel. Yes, I could likely work with the interview scheduler (and I will), but I'd like to be proactive in suggesting some dates to achieve my goal, as well as learn this skill for myself in the future. Thus:
Where can I view the daily routes and times for flights between two cities, on whatever rotating basis (e.g. day of the week) they may be on?