When flying with only a carry-on allowed, I am often bothered by not being allowed to carry a small knife that I will need at my destination (backpacking trips). So far, every time I faced this issue, I just bought a knife at destination and offered it to someone before flying back home as it is generally cheaper than having to pay extra for checked luggage in which I would put nothing but my knife! I could also mail my knife but that leads to other problems (e.g., what address to mail it to).
I am wondering whether I could just ask customers checking luggage for the same flight as me if I could put my knife in their checked luggage. I am afraid that some customers would find it offensive for me to ask and afraid that I would put them in a very delicate situation as it is generally recommended to not accept such solicitation (and they can't tell whether I somehow hid some illegal substance in the knife). I am also afraid that security personnel would target me.
The next time I will experience this situation will be a flight from Vancouver, BC, to San Diego, California.
Can I get into trouble for asking people if they'd agree to put my knife in their checked luggage?
An answer could be "Sure, give it a try, you've got nothing to lose. Just be polite and don't be frustrated if it does not work!" or "No, don't do that. You're going to get into serious trouble from airport security, and maybe even people helping you could get into trouble." I am sadly expecting an answer closer to the second option.