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What extra insurances are sensible for car rental

I'm looking to rent a car for a short trip and find that the price displayed comes with only a very basic insurance. Insurance upgrades are then offered for a typically hefty fee. What insurance is ...
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Are there any car rentals in Europe that can be picked up in one country and dropped off in another? [closed]

I want to rent a car in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Dublin, Paris) and drop it off in another country. How does the border crossing work with a rented car?
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
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How to rent a car for a road trip in Eastern Europe?

I will arrive at Frankfurt for a two week vacation in Europe. I plan to hire a car for a round trip to stay one night in different cities in the way of Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and ...
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Websites for car relocation in Europe?

Is there a good website for car/camper relocation in Europe ? I mean, those companies that allow you to rent a car/camper for free from point A to point B. Let's say between Netherlands and Italy/...
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