I have a valid visa for Japan. and I want to visit Mexico. Where should I travel first?

I mean if I travel to Japan first, can I fly from Japan to Mexico? Or first do I have to enter Mexico with an unused Japan visa?

  • 4
    @Rambalac Not according to SkyTeam's TravelDoc. I randomly put in Pakistan for the citizenship. No Mexican visa required if holding a visa for USA, Japan, Schengen, Canada, or UK. Imran, please add your citizenship to your question.
    – mkennedy
    Commented Dec 20, 2018 at 17:52
  • 1
    On a related note: Be aware that direct flights from Asia to Mexico are uncommon and usually expensive; most flights are to the USA or Canada nstead. You may need to transit the USA or Canada to reach Mexico depending on your itinerary. Commented Dec 20, 2018 at 21:30

1 Answer 1


Holding a valid, unexpired visa from Japan exempts you from the requirement to obtain a visa to visit Mexico. There is no requirement to have actually used the visa; you only need to possess it.

From the INM (es):

No requerirá visa mexicana el extranjero que presente alguno de los siguientes documentos:

a) Documento que acredite residencia permanente en Canadá, Estados Unidos de América, Japón, el Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, cualquiera de los países que integran el Espacio Schengen, así como en los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico (Chile, Colombia y Perú).

b) Visa válida y vigente de Canadá, de los Estados Unidos de América, Japón, el Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte o cualquiera de los países que integran el Espacio Schengen.

(and other exemptions not relevant here)

In English, if you have a permanent residence card from Canada, USA, Japan, UK, a Schengen country, or a Pacific Alliance country, or a valid unexpired visa from Canada, USA, Japan, UK, or a Schengen country, then you are exempt for obtaining a visa to visit Mexico.

You still do need a tourist card. Check with your airline if they will provide this for you as part of your airfare or if you need to obtain it separately.

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