So i have a 10 year US B1/B2 visa. Now i am applying for a NZ visa , which asks for, as part of the verification process to share information about other visas one might have with other countries, along with the entry and exit stamps, which should help me obtain a NZ visa. I'm wondering if its legal to share the US Visa stamp info with the NZ immigration?
Added from comments by OP: "Providing evidence The evidence you provide helps us confirm that you are a genuine visitor. If you do not provide evidence it may take us longer to process your visa application. Evidence of your travel history Provide a copy of your current and recent passports, including: the photo page, and all pages with visa records, and entry and exit stamps." I figured it shouldn't be a problem, but i was curious though if it would be something that could be termed "against the rules".
To be honest, i figured countries don't like one sharing Visa information with anyone else in case someone else (not all governments have the most secure immigration database) use it to forge a fake visa and try to enter a country because at the departing airport check-in, they casually glance at your visa and let you board the flight. On flight or once one reaches the destination, one can cause havoc. That was my reasoning.