My girlfriend and I (we are Croatian citizens) are going to visit Bucharest, Romania and we plan to stay there for 1 week. We will be traveling from Croatia to Budapest, Hungary first and from there we will take a plane to Bucharest.

Can we do this with our ID cards from Croatia? I did some research and we should be able (from what I found). Since this will be our first flight I just wanted to be sure since she and I don't have valid passports (they expired).

  • Are you Croatian citizens?
    – phoog
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 12:12
  • @phoog yes we are. Forgot to add that
    – MePo
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 12:13

1 Answer 1


If you are Croatian citizens then yes, you can do this. A valid national ID card is sufficient for any EU citizen to enter any other EU country.

This is specified in directive 2004/38/EC. Article 5(1) says:

Article 5

Right of entry

  1. Without prejudice to the provisions on travel documents applicable to national border controls, Member States shall grant Union citizens leave to enter their territory with a valid identity card or passport and shall grant family members who are not nationals of a Member State leave to enter their territory with a valid passport.

    No entry visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on Union citizens.

(emphasis added)

  • This is my first time posting here and also traveling with a plane (maybe i'm just concerned over nothing) I just wanted to be sure. Thank you for the help
    – MePo
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 12:18
  • 2
    @MePo it is better to be safe than sorry. Welcome to Travel!
    – phoog
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 12:20

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