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Questions tagged [turkmenistan]

Turkmenistan / Türkmenistan, a country in Central Asia on the Caspian Sea.

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27 votes
1 answer

How can one visit the Door To Hell?

I have stumbled across this photo while surfing the net: Turkmenistan's Door To Hell in Wikipedia does not say much about the how to visit it, it only says that there were 50,000 visitors in the past ...
Nean Der Thal's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Turkmenistan visa in Uzbekistan?

I'll be passing through Uzbekistan shortly, and am considering getting a Turkmenistan visa for a quick visit into there. What locations can I get this at, and any idea how long it will take to ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to get a Turkmen transit visa in Iran?

I'm in Iran and like to travel through Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan for which I already have a visa. I've heard about three different ways to get the five day Turkmen Transit visa: apply for and ...
Peter Hahndorf's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is travelling through all central Asian countries (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) possible only with transit visas?

I'm a Chinese national, living in Belgium right now. I am thinking of departing from Azerbaijan, then taking a ferry to Turkmenistan, then Uzbekistan and maybe Kyrgyzstan, finally arrive in China.(...
Joythewanderer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to get from Mashhad to Ashgabat?

To get from Iran to Uzbekistan, one has to pass through Turkmenistan. Even though the most direct route is going east from Mashhad and then north via Mary, I like to visit the Turkmenistatn capital ...
Peter Hahndorf's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Where can I get personalised designs on Turkmen carpets in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan?

If possible, I'd like to get my own designs incorporated in to a Turkmen carpet while I am visiting Ashgabat this summer. I'm not sure if it is a service directly offered or not - and if not, if it ...
Lamar Latrell's user avatar