I've arrived in Australia 9 months ago and I've noticed that often when asking people from East Asia to "give way" they will simply ignore me or even answer a "yes" but not move at all.
This is a situation that at least my wife, friends and work mates also faced a lot of times.
Some examples:
I went to an electronics shop some days ago and there was this Asian girl standing in front of a product section that I wanted to check. She was texting on her phone. I politely asked "can I take a look at these?" and all she did was nod her head and still block the view.
Leaving the train. Several times I was trying to hop off the train and a group of Asians would block the way and ignore my desperate "excuse me, guys".
Groups of 5+ East Asian people blocking the pathway while chatting and/or texting. "Excuse me" also didn't work.
Same as above, but getting hit in the shoulder by one of them and not even getting a "Sorry"
So obviously I don't know if it's a cultural thing or not. It just seems that our standard "excuse me" has another meaning to them.
What is the possible reason for this behavior and how can I politely ask to give way which is culturally understood by East Asians? Or how can I ask to give way in a way which is universally understood?