This summer my girlfriend and I planned a trip to Georgia for one week. I am Ukrainian, so I don't need a visa to enter Georgia.
We flew from Kyiv to Tbilisi without any problems. However on a passport control in Tbilisi airport I was refused entry to Georgia without any normal explanation. My girlfriend went through, though.
After an hour of passing me from one person to another they put us back on the same plane we came to Georgia.
I was hoping in Kyiv someone can tell me what's going on, but no one had a clue as well.
At the end they checked my passport and said it's OK, and let me back to Ukraine. After this accident I visited other countries in Schengen zone without problems.
The official refusal letter that I received says:
Attached herewith is a photocopy of a fake/falsified Passport + copy of my passport(just a regular passport, nothing different)
The above-named Document was used by a person claiming to be: MY NAME
Who was refused to enter the territory of Georgia due to: He/She does not have documents necessary for entering Georgia as provided for by the legislation of Georgia.
This does not explain much to me because as Ukrainian I do not need visa or any special documents to enter Georgia. My friends went to Georgia few weeks later with just passport and it was OK.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be the reason for such refusal of entry? Why my passport was considered as fake, while it's valid in other countries. How can I fix this issue?
Previously I have contacted some officials from Georgia, but could not get any answers. But with this question I also send an email to Ukrainian Embassy in Georgia and finally received some explanation. I am still waiting for more information and will post an answer here once I get it and if it's not really sensitive.
Thank you for all the ideas and for helping me figuring this out.