I've seen some comments on 'hidden city' ticketing, but am not sure if what I'm considering falls under that description.
My original tickets were MKE-CLE-IAD and back IAD-CLE-MKE. The airline (United) changed my tickets after confirmation -- no idea why -- they must have taken one of the legs out of their scheduled flights because I can't find it anymore. So now they have me flying MKE-ORD-IAD and back IAD-ORD-MKE. I live midway between MKE and ORD and the only reason I chose to use MKE was because I need to be in Milwaukee the evening of my return. So now if I use the full ticket, I'll arrive in Chicago at 2:32, sit around for 2 hours, and hope that the ORD-MKE flight stays on schedule so that I arrive at MKE at 5:30 as planned so I can attend the 7 p.m. event.
or -- I can get picked up at ORD on arrival and be sure of making it to the concert. Not checking bags.
Is there any reason I couldn't do this?
I've paid for the ticket and don't expect any part of it refunded.