I have already booked my flight from Italy to the Netherlands through Ryanair. I'm staying in Italy legally and have a carta di soggiorno. However, after booking my flight, my wallet was stolen, which contains all my IDs except my passport. I filed a police report, and I'm trying to get a new residence card. However, I need to go to the Netherlands ASAP. Will Ryanair accept the police report and receipt of getting a new residence card from the post office?
UPDATE (17.07.2014)
Thanks for helping me out. BTW it's OK now. I went to our local CISL here in Florence, Italy, where they process your envelope for renewing your permesso di soggornio or carta di soggiorno (residence permit for foreigners) to be submitted to the post office. That's where you pay and get your postal receipt, and they make an appointment for you at the questura. Anyway, long story short, they processed a application for IMPROVISED residence permit which is good for 30 days to travel within the Schengen area, so all I have to do is go to the questura, bring my travel booking, the police report and copy of my passport. Now I can travel, and it's my first time to fly with Ryanair because I always use Transavia to go to Holland. =) Hope this helps for future persons who will have the same issue with lost or stolen residence permits...Just wish me luck that the questura will process my improvised residence permit immediately.