I'm attempting to decide what to do of my holidays, and this just popped up on my mind a couple weeks ago.
My original plans included the possibility of, if the place is nice enough, trying to seek employment in there. This left a number of vacationing locations out (say, the US, Spain and Japan, for instance) of my planning.
I've been informally invited to Berlin by a German acquaintance, but she seems to not be entirely clear on the subject of whether I'd be able to, were I to actually like it there, attempt to get a job.
The German embassy hasn't been particularly helpful on that matter either, with them having an extremely broken phone attention that could only be reached once in my last 8 attempts.
Ignoring what my line of work is (requirements for software developers vary hugely and I guess would require a large enough specificity that would cloud the original question),
would I be legally able to attempt to get a job in Germany while there on a tourist visa?
EDIT: Quick clarification: I'm not asking for the legality of working while on inappropiate visa status, that's kind of clearly illegal. I guess my question is more like, can I somehow get in trouble for attempting get a job? And a second, kind of followup question would be, do I actually have to leave the country for any interval if someone somehow manages to find me employable?
Note that I haven't been there, so I'm not even clear on how any of this works either there or in this Schengen (I just had to google what this was) zone.