How does one get from Rovaniemi, Finland, to Trondheim, Norway, without a car?
- Finnish citizen residing permanently Norway, with pictures of relevant documents and a passport at hand.
- Not in a terrible hurry.
Some possibilities:
- Can one fly from Helsinki to Oslo or Trondheim after taking a train to Helsinki? The flights are booked full for about a week, which is not ideal.
- Is there a way of getting to Troms/Tromsø/Tromssa and can one fly on (or even take a bus) from there?
- Is it possible to pass through Sweden? A ship from Vaasa/Vasa or some method the cross the border at Tornio/Torneå are possible ways of getting into Sweden, if it is possible.
- Is there a functional way of finding people travelling the same route or part of it by private car?