I arrived in France in January 2019 on VLS/TS Type D Visa (valid for 1 year). Then I also got the sticker from OFII. My visa is going to expire in October 2019, so I applied for the renewal at the local prefecture. They provided me a document which says:
Récépissé de Demande de Carte de Séjour
Prefecture, Name and other details
A Demande le renouvellement de son Titre de Sejour Dont la validite expire le xx/xx/xxxx
Ce recepisse n'est valable qu'accompagne de de titre (Visa de long sejour valant T.S.) N. xxxxxxxxxx
Il autorise son titulaire a travailler.
This récépissé will expire in 6 months. But I have to travel to India from 1 October to 31 October. During this period my Type D visa will expire. Can I come back to France by showing my VLS/TS Type D Visa (expired) + OFII Sticker + mentioned Récépissé?
I came across this Circulaire NOR IMIK0900087C by the French government, is it good as proof?