Is this article correct? A little bit? A lot? Or is it all bollox?
Sure using public or near-public wifi (internet cafe or hotel) you should expect your browsing history to be visible to the world, but ...
Specifically three questions:
Does the hotel's wifi asking for a password make any difference to the visibility of your internet traffic? (A guest/hacker in another room would also get that password and could detect your traffic.)
If you log into your bank over hotel wifi, that's encrypted. (Presuming your bank's site is
-- and if it isn't, change your bank.) Sure a hacker could see that there's traffic, but couldn't crack it to get your banking password(?)Hackers getting into hotel's admin systems and stealing guests' credit card details is indeed a problem. But that's nothing to do with hotel wi-fi. You're just as likely to get your card number pwned, whether or not you used the wi-fi, whether or not you used a VPN. The hackers are probably in another country, connecting to the hotel chain's HQ systems, and not via any specific hotel at all(?)