I live in Spain and I recently lost my passport and I'm trying to obtain an emergency travel document from the British Embassy. This allows me to travel within 5 different countries, however 'visas might be necessary'.
On 15th November I will travel from Barcelona to Los Angeles and stay there 36 hours. I will then fly to Mexico where I will be for almost 3 weeks. On 4th December I will go back to Los Angeles at 11 am and fly back to BCN at 20:45.
It seems that I need a US visa along with my emergency travel document. However the visa process seems to take around 3 weeks and mentions appointments (I do not have 3 weeks).
I called the US visa advice line and they pointed me to the US Customs website. The number on their site went to a phone matrix which talks about the details for Mexican and Canadian travellers. I could not get to an agent...
Does anyone know if anything can be done or exists in this shitty situation, or should I cancel my trip and holiday on the Spanish cost without needing a passport?
The emergency passport seems useful but its use and immediacy seems to stop with things like the US visa process.
Thanks for advice or links and I can provide more info/details if it's needed.