My friend got stuck in Morocco and is not allowed to come back France as she lost her residence permit card.
She has a long stay visa and residence permit card (carte de séjour, type: student) in France. Unfortunately, it was stolen in France just a couple days before her departure to Morocco (Chinese are able to travel to Morocco visa-free). She filed a police complaint of the loss (Récipicé de déclaration) and hadn't obtained the new permit card before her departure.
When she tried to come back, the airline staff declined her at check-in, as she doesn't have a visa for France. Now, she's stuck in Morocco.
She tried to ask for a return visa (visa de retour) from the French Embassy in Casablanca, but they declined her request. They also suggested that she return to China to apply for a new visa.
Instead of going back to China, are there other solutions to allow her to return to France?
Finally, I suggested my friend buy a combined ticket, Morocco --> France --> China, and try to go through French customs. Luckily, the officials in Paris passed her through customs. She is on the way to the Pink City:-)