Are the cabins along the King's Trail likely to be open in mid-June (around June 20) this year? I'm specifically interested in the stretch from Ammarnäs to Hemavan. (My guidebook says they usually open in "late June".)

1 Answer 1


In 2016, the cabins in that area will open on June 23, according to the Hemavan Tourist Office:

Hi David,

They open a few days later that month, the 23 of june so if you can wait a few more days it is not a bad idea. Before that it can still be a lot of snow and/or very wet in the terrain so we recommend people to walk after midsummer, usually it is better conditions then.

Best regards / Med vänlig hälsning

Further north (Abisko to Kebnekaise), the cabins actually open a few days earlier:

The huts [near Abisko] open on June 17th. Temperatures have been really high the last weeks so chances are that the trail will be snow-free even in higher altitudes by the time the huts open. However, I would recommend contacting [email protected] for more information.

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