I've got a bit of a situation at hand.
As a result of a last-minute cancellation my daughter (14yo) has a chance to go on an organised trip to Poland (from Latvia where we live). They leave very early tomorrow morning.
The trip is legit with known people and several of her friends are going too. Most expenses are paid by me through proper channels, but she will need to have enough money with her to pay for 5 days of lunches and dinners (breakfast is included). I'd estimate that to be less than 100€.
Unfortunately I haven't yet made a bank card for her and I'd prefer not to give her a wad of cash to carry around if it can be avoided. Plus, of course, if there's an emergency, it's nice to know I can wire her more money if needed.
I rushed over to my bank, but alas - even with a rush fee a card would be only ready tomorrow during business hours. Too late...
So I'm looking for alternatives. She has an (Android) smartphone with NFC, so there is still some hope. Contactless payments should be possible at least in principle, as well as money withdrawal at compatible ATMs.
My first idea was to use Revolut, which is a service that some of colleagues have used in the past, but the more I read about it, the more it seems like they don't have what I need. Do they? If not, is there anything else I can manage to set up tonight?