When purchasing a reserved ticket on any train operated by Indian Railways, one's required to enter the age and gender (male or female) of all passengers. However, for various reasons, I don't wish to disclose my* gender. For instance, my expressed gender may be different from the one in my identity document (explicitly written or implicitly pictured), or I may not identify with a particular gender.
The standard IRCTC website for purchasing tickets on Indian Railways won't let you through if you don't select a gender.
Is there a way to purchase a train ticket without disclosing your gender? Why does Indian Railways require passengers to disclose their gender at the time of booking?
* Question doesn't necessarily relate to me
Why does Indian Railways require passengers to disclose their gender at the time of booking
Primarily to prevent fraudulent booking of tickets. And maybe allocating same sexes nearby, I would assume for females, when seating options provided during booking aren't available (this is a guess only)