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Questions tagged [ljubljana]

Capital city of Slovenia.

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3 votes
2 answers

Traveling from Portoroz, Slovenia to Ljubljana airport on Sunday morning

I have a return flight on Sunday, 12 March, from Ljubljana airport. I plan to be at the seaside that weekend, either in Portoroz or Piran. The issue is that my flight if fairly early, I need to be at ...
nbo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Where can I get a cholera vaccination in Ljubljana?

I'm living in Ljubljana and I'm going in few weeks to Dominican Republic (in a region near the border with Haiti) and I need to get a cholera vaccination. In case that is not possible no get this ...
Edu's user avatar
  • 29
5 votes
1 answer

Where can I get a typhoid vaccination in Ljubljana?

I am from USA. I need a typhoid vaccination to go to Morocco. I am traveling in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Where can I get the injection at? I need the injection, not pills.
tim's user avatar
  • 51
6 votes
3 answers

Is there any simple public transport route from Ljubljana Airport to Lake Bohinj?

I'm looking for a reasonably direct, cost-effective (so, probably not taxi) way to get from Ljubljana airport (Jože Pučnik) to Lake Bohinj, ideally without going via Ljubljana which is the wrong way. ...
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