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Questions tagged [lake-constance]

Lake Constance (in German: *Bodensee*), a lake on the Rhine with Obersee ("upper lake") connected via the Seerhein to the Untersee ("lower lake"). Near the Alps and partly in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

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How to cross the Lake Constance from Constance to Meersburg by car

I would like to visit Constance (Germany) with my van, and also see the other side of the lake. Is there a way to cross by ferry or would I need to drive along the lake?
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Looking for direct ship connection between Mainz and Lake Constance (Bodensee)

I would like to visit Kreuzlingen, Konstanz and the Napoleonmuseum. As they are all located at Lake Constance and I'm living in Mainz I think it's not a bad idea to spend some time and travel by ship. ...
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