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1 answer

How shall I apply for a UK Visa as Iranians with German residency?

I am living in Germany with my family (my wife and daughter) as we have residence permission. We are Iranian, and would like to visit the UK for the next school holidays in Germany. How can we can ...
user102102's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does an Iranian with German residency need a visa to enter Romania?

I am from Iran but I study and live in Germany now. Do I need to apply for visa to participate in a conference being held in Romania?
kamran's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Can I reenter Schengen via a different country than the one for which I hold a residency card?

I'm from Iran and am a student in Germany where I have a residency card. I want to go home and return but, rather than to Germany, direct to Sweden from Iran, to visit my friend. It is possible or ...
user46732's user avatar