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2 answers

What are the laws regarding sleeping in my vehicle by state

I want to plan an ultimate road trip to every state in the US. I am faced with researching each state for their laws regarding sleeping in owned vehicles. Is there an easier way to gain this ...
ALnG's user avatar
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Can the gasoline in Mexico or Central America mess up a US-made car?

I have been thinking about taking my car (an AWD Ford Escape 2014) for a road trip to Mexico or maybe as long further south as I can find paved roads. Is there a risk that the regular unleaded ...
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9 votes
4 answers

Are petrol prices in a USA state the same in every Petrol Station?

I'm wondering how petrol price works in USA in general, specifically in California. Do prices remain the same regardless of where the Petrol Station is located? Are prices fixed for every fuel ...
Alessandro Da Rugna's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to pay tolls on a cross-country road trip in the US?

I'm driving from Virginia to Washington state later this month. In Virginia, I use an EZ-Pass device that automatically pays my tolls. But I understand that these devices are regional. When driving ...
Matthew's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

Car rental vs. buying a car for 1 month, when visiting the USA?

I would like to visit a few places in the states sometime next year, and I was thinking of doing a road trip while I'm at it. I could start in either Los Angeles or Montreal, and then I would like to ...
iHaveacomputer's user avatar