Linked Questions

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How long do I need to stay out of South Africa after a 90 day stay, before returning? [duplicate]

I stayed in SA from Oct 4th to December 12th. What date can I return?
David Nicol's user avatar
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If I leave South Africa to visit a neighboring country, will I get a fresh 90 day stay upon coming back? [duplicate]

I am a South African returning to live the country after having lived in the UK for the past 15 years. I returned on a UK passport (on a 90 day tourist visa) hoping to re-apply for my South African ...
Lynnette's user avatar
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I am a Zimbabwean and have stayed in South Africa for 60 days. How long do I have to exit the country before returning? [duplicate]

I have been doing a bunch of yachting courses here in South Africa and would like to know if I can exit and re-enter South Africa on the same day to get a new visa?
Cole Bands's user avatar
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Can I re-enter South Africa for a second time from the UK within my 90 day SA visitor visa limit? [duplicate]

I am a UK citizen, Can I re-enter South Africa for a second time after returning home to the UK, if the second visit to South Africa is still within the first visit's allocated 90 day time limit? Will ...
Julia D-D's user avatar
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Help with South African 90 Day Visitor visa [duplicate]

I am a brit visiting family and friends in South Africa with my duel brit/south african GF, I have already been granted a 90 day Visitor visa which expires the end of July, unfortunately i haven't ...
Fiona's user avatar
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I don't need a visa for a stay under 90 days in South Africa but can I enter SA twice in that time?

I am traveling to South Africa this year on a U.S. passport, and will be taking a safari that leaves South Africa and goes through Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe and then I must return to South Africa ...
jjeaton's user avatar
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Can I leave South Africa for a week and then come back for another three months?

I'm a Venezuelan visiting South Africa and I'm planning to stay longer since I met my boyfriend here and he want me to stay for another three months visiting him, but since my visitor visa is about to ...
Julia Mendoza's user avatar
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I have a UK passport, can I leave South Africa to visit Kenya and return to South Africa during the 90 day Holiday visa?

I’m visiting South Africa on a UK passport and then traveling to Kenya for a short trip before returning to South Africa to continue my holiday. Is my 90 day Holiday visa valid for the return?
Karen H's user avatar
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Can I leave South Africa before 90 days and go back for another month?

I’ve seen a similar question was asked a few years ago but I’m reposting it in case something has changed. I’m planning to be in South Africa for 3 months (visa-free), go back to my home country (UK) ...
Miranda's user avatar
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Will I get another 30 days in SA when I travel to Zanzibar and other countries?

My boyfriend and I are in SA on a holiday, and only after arriving realised we made an error in judgement on the visa front. Turns out Poland (his passport) only get 30 instead of 90 days when they ...
Amy's user avatar
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Can I go to Mauritius to get another 90 days in South Africa?

Any 2024 updates on whether you can you go to Mauritius for a few days and get another 90 days on re-entry to South Africa, given that Mauritius is a SADAC country?
Catherine Henegan's user avatar