In amadeus system when adding an itinerary element I get the following response:

EK 530 B 21JAN 1*DXBCOK DK1  0245 0805  21JAN  E  0 772 M
9W 312 T 30NOV 7 DELBOM DK4  2100 2305  30NOV  E  0 73H D

SR 192 C 15MAY 1 ZRHBOM HK1     A  1210 2355   M11   0 L5
QF 141 Y 19MAY 1 BNEAKL HK1     I  0645 0810   763   0 B

I understand all the tokens in the above response(for first two lines):

  • airline
  • flight #
  • class
  • dep date
  • day of week
  • sector
  • status
  • dep time
  • arrival time
  • arrival date
  • ticket type
  • # stops
  • equipment

Except the last characters M on first line and D on the second line and L5 on the third. What do they stand for?

Also on the last two lines what does A and I mean, i.e the letters mentioned after the status HK1. (edit: Got the answer, these are terminals.)

  • Thank you @kate gregory for the edit and making my question more explicit. Commented Nov 8, 2014 at 8:37

1 Answer 1


I believe the final column is the meal code, which according to the Amadeus Training Manual (Pakistani version) should be one of the following:

  • B Breakfast
  • K Continental Breakfast
  • L Lunch
  • D Dinner
  • S Snack
  • O Cold Meal
  • H Hot Meal
  • M Meal (non-specific)
  • R Refreshment
  • C Alcoholic Beverages, Complimentary
  • F Food for Purchase
  • P Alcoholic Beverages, for Purchase
  • Y Duty Free Sales Available
  • thank you for your response. I had another question, in the following what does the last token '0950' signify SU 232 K 14DEC SVO F DEL 3 2010 0345+1 E0/333 0950 I know it is time, but time for what? Commented Nov 8, 2014 at 8:39
  • Late breakfast? Brunch perhaps?
    – A E
    Commented Nov 8, 2014 at 10:33
  • My guess would be flight time, but I checked SU 232 and it is only scheduled for six hours.
    – jetset
    Commented Dec 2, 2015 at 2:36

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