France among other EU countries has been using Schengen exception clauses to reinstate interior border controls since the 2015 terrorist attacks, and circumventing/overusing them ever since in a continuous series of extension periods.
In 2022 and 2023, the EU court of Justice ruled that these controls could not be made to exceed 6 months in that way unless a new, different serious threat arised.
France's Conseil d'Etat has however ruled against the ECJ since, and French majority politicians have lobbied to loosen the Schengen regulations. In February 2024 an agreement has been reached between EU Council and Parliament to extend the periods to a maximum of two years, renewable for a year.
The new rules will take time to finalize and implement. In the meantime, France currently has temporary reintroduction of border control running until April 2024 due to new terrorist threats, and is likely to renew it again for the Olympics even if there wasn't a specific annoucement about it. That means yes, expect border controls on entry where border police sees fit, especially when travelling by air through airports that have the infrastructure to host a customs check (it even happens in unlikely routes like Belgium -> France for instance).