I'm from Pakistan and I applied for a UK visitor visa for a company trip that got cancelled. However, my visa application was successful and I now have a valid 6-month visit visa to the United Kingdom. Now I hear from a bunch of people that if you don't travel on a visitor visa to the UK and it expires, your chances of ever getting a visa to the UK again are almost nonexistent. I obviously cannot find any such thing on any official source. Can anybody here share what they know on whether that's actually the case or not?


  • 2
    Given the biggest worry they have when approving your visa is that you'll come and never leave, it would seem an odd result - if anything, not travelling suggests that you really aren't interested in illegally moving there.
    – CMaster
    Commented May 24, 2019 at 12:38
  • 1
    Whoever told you that is talking nonsense: A VISA gives you permission to travel to the UK, not an obligation to do so. It's understood that plans sometimes change, particularly for business travel.
    – Jon Story
    Commented May 24, 2019 at 16:23
  • 1
    It's an old tale I also heard several times back in the day in my country. It probably got legs because a few people who obtained visas and never traveled were subsequently denied visas when they reapplied. People thought being issued a visa once automatically meant an approval for subsequent application and hence when those people were refused, the default explanation was aha, they issued you a visa and you did not use it, they are upset at you and now you're finished Commented May 24, 2019 at 18:36
  • Thanks to everyone who responded, this was very helpful! Much appreciated!
    – Aatif Khan
    Commented May 24, 2019 at 19:56

1 Answer 1


In the list of things you cannot do for this type of visa

  • not comming to the UK at all

is not listed.
(it is also not listed as something you can do)


If you want to play it save, ask your company to write a short letter confirming that they cancelled the intended trip.

This could then be shown/submitted during the next visa application.


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