How should I get from El Salvador International Airport (SAL) to Choluteca?
I can’t fly from SAL to Choluteca apparently, and I had to cancel my rental car due to unforeseen restrictions. So I need another way to get to Choluteca. Rome2Rio says I have to drive¹ to the city, take a bus to Tegucigalpa, stay overnight, then take a bus to Choluteca. Both buses pass through a town close to Choluteca, but I haven't been able to to find a bus company that will admit to being able to get on or off there.
Rome2Rio offers an alternative: bus via San Miguel to the border (but they won't identify the company), then get that car out of the luggage and drive half the remaining distance before getting back on another bus.
BusBud doesn't know El Salvador exists. Centrocoasting doesn't have anything on Honduras. Don't have time to walk or bike. Google and Maps.ME don’t have transit info for the area. Apple can’t find a route by any mode.
I’ve found web pages claiming hitchhiking in the area is very safe and effective and others claiming it’s very dangerous.
I could walk or bus to the Pacific but can’t find any evidence of a ferry to the bay near Choluteca.
Uber quotes “$148-200” but their website suggests there is only one driver in the area. I found a local that I have reason to trust who will drive it for $100 but if I can’t find a return route three days later, I'm also in trouble.
¹Unfortunately, the car wouldn’t fit in my carry-on. But I did find that there are shuttles from the airport to the city.