I've the residence permit in country A that will expire in a week. I asked for it's prolongation on time but I'm pretty sure that administration of my country of residence will not replace it in time.
In two weeks I need to go to a country B for a several days.
To go to country B I don't need any visa, my passport is enough to stay there. As for return, my passport is not enough and I need visa (residence permit in my case).
In Timatic I read that I can travel with expired residence permit if I can provide a receipt that I asked for it's prolongation (I have this receipt).
But is this info really sure and grants me to take a flight back? I read some horrible stories that airline staff had never seen these "prolongation receipts" and sometimes doesn't allow to take a flight.
Is it possible to prove something to airline staff if I print visa requirements from, for example, emirates.com (I have another airline but I didn't found visa requirements section on their site)?
What should I do if they say that my residence permit is expired and my boarding is denied?