I'm planning a trip to Iceland. Since my significant other is barely addressable before she had her first coffee the question arose how we can make sure to have milk when we arrive.
The Iceland customs website lists under Prohibited articles
- Uncooked milk and uncooked eggs.
On a travel site about Iceland (only in German, sorry) the regulations are stated that it is only allowed to bring sterilized milk products
with you.
Since we often use UHT milk, which is defined as
Ultra-high temperature processing [...] is a food processing technology that sterilizes liquid food, chiefly milk, by heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill spores in milk – for 1 to 2 seconds.
we were wondering if that qualifies enough to allow it to be brought to Iceland.
If it matters: We'll be arriving in Iceland by ferry.