This question is related to the Canadian eTA application that I had discussed previously (see herehere). It has now been a whole month since I applied and my application status is "In Progress". I will be travelling to present at a conference in two months (October) and wish to resolve this issue as quickly as possible!
I've used the online web form and submitted a case-specific query and have heard nothing in response. The only confirmation was an automated email from [email protected] with (I kid you not) nothing but the text "AUTOREPLY TEST" in the email body.
Furthermore, when applying originally I selected "United Kingdom And Colonies" as my passport's Country of Issue. Since I applied, they have changed the options in the Country of Issue drop-down list to several categories for British people (e.g. British overseas citizen, British subject, British protected person etc.). I am officially a "British Citizen" but the system seems to have transferred me to "British subject" (not the same as citizen!), as I can only see my eTA application status if I choose that option in this form.
I hope to contact someone regarding my application, as the system seems fundamentally flawed. There is the IRCC Call Centre but it appears this is for Canadian citizens/residents only.
Given the terrible application process and the lack of response, what are my options? I have read that for stuck (USA) ESTA applications, applying a second time can help resolve the issue - should I try this for the eTA? Otherwise, if a visa is the best solution, do I apply for "business" or "tourist", as I am attending a scientific conference and then planning to travel in the following week?
*** UPDATE: I have had my eTA approved, so I guess I can stop panicking! It's taken over two months to get approval but I have had absolutely no response to my online web form queries, besides the automated email responses, and nothing explaining the delay (though I can infer the reason). Thank you to everyone who offered advice - I will be following pnuts advice of providing feedback in terms of the technical issues with the site.
Of interest is that my colleagues who selected "United Kingdom And Colonies" when applying now also have to select "British subject" if they want to check the status of their (successful) applications, so my issue here is probably not an isolated case.