I have booked a flight to the Philippines and I have a layover of 3h 30m in Hong Kong Airport (arrival an departure in Terminal 1). So I looked at the shops in that terminal to see if I can buy a GoPro camera there (it looks they are cheaper in Hong Kong), but I got confused with the map of the terminal.
So far I found the shops that sells eletrical equipment: http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/shopping/insideshopping/t1/audio/list.html
and also a PDF with all the shops in the map: http://www.hongkongairport.com/leaflet/fun_map.pdf
But I don't know what does it mean those restricted/non-restricted areas. Are those "non-restricted areas" outside the passport control? I don't need to go through the passport control, since I'm not staying in Hong kong and the layover is not too long. In case that's the non-restricted, can I still go there to have a look or do I have to stay in the "restricted area"?
EDIT: I did the trip and I can confirm that with 2 hours you don't have time to go out (with the time I had, 3h 30m it's possible but not recommended). I arrived at Gate 2 and my departure was from Gate 47, it's a long walk and you need to pass another security check. More or less you spend 1h 30m to do so.. If you get out and you need to do all the security checks. By the way.. there were no GoPro is the airport.. I checked a lot of the stores I looked before in the website.