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Is October a decent time to whalewatch for orca pods in Vancouver, B.C.? Question about migratory patterns in the Pacific Northwest?

Is October a decent time to see orca pods in Vancouver, B.C.? I've gone whale watching in early spring in Seattle, Washington; mid-summer in Monterrey, California; and lower Alaska in late summer, over the past few years, and I've yet to see any orcas. (I've seen plenty of humpback, grey, and minke whales)! So I've booked a trip to go whale-watching in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) this Saturday (October), and was hoping maybe the Fall season would be more fruitful?

I know you can never predict the sightings of a wild creature, but I was wondering what the migratory patterns of orca pods are in October in the Pacific Northwest, and what the possibilities are that they may be passing through Vancouver? Any personal experiences of seeing orcas in Vancouver in the Fall?
