Travellers are not in general allowed to bring in meat, milk or their products, unless they are coming with less than 10 kilograms of meat, milk or their products from Croatia, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, or Iceland.
(EUROPA: Trade and Imports of Animal Products - Introduction of personal consignments)
To untangle this a bit:
Travellers are 'in general' allowed to import:
things made from meat,
things made from milk
only if:
You have less than 10kg of it, and
You are importing it from Croatia, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, or Iceland
It looks like you could send them by FedEx though, if you get them certified by the vetinary authorities at your end:
The importation of food products containing meat or milk products for personal consumption is prohibited unless accompanied by the necessary documentation from the official veterinary services of the country of origin.