So in the country I'm from (Switzerland) the standard way to travel between towns is by train, which is effective and fast. However from my understanding it seems that in Poland, asides with a few rare exceptions (such as Warsaw-Kraków) there is no fast train lines which only stops at large towns, but only regional trains which stops on every station which means travelling in Poland by train is awfully slow.
On my last visit we were lucky as we cought a bus line by pure chance which allowed us to go from Kraków to Katowice in only 1:30 of bus instead of almost 3 hours of train. So apparently bus is the standard way of long-distance travel in Poland instead of trains like it is in Switzerland; also every town has it's Dworzec Autobusowy, which is something like a huge bus station (something that doesn't exist in my country).
Now my question is: How can I get information about what lines of bus exists, where they stop, travel time, etc... before actually going to Poland? It seems the situation is complicated as there is multiple bus companies and each one only provides time tables for their own buses.
Is there a centralized website about time tables from all bus companies, and possibility trains as well so we can have an idea how to efficiently travel from point A to point B using public transportation in Poland ?