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Practical implication of Judgment in Case C-754/18 to family members of EU citizens according to EU 2004/38/EC [closed]

CJEU recently made a Judgment in Case C-754/18. What practical implications it may have to family members of EU citizens according to EU 2004/38/...
user108860's user avatar
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Freedom of movement and 90/180 day rule

TL;DR: Do stays in the Schengen zone while accompanying a family member who is an EU citizen count towards the 90/180 day limit? What sort of documentation is needed in this case? Suppose a citizen ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Do I need to prove that my spouse is using their right of free movement in order to receive a family member Schengen visa?

I plan to visit Europe some time during the next year (hopefully before a hard Brexit) and want to check what I need to fulfil for Schengen visa as the spouse of a British citizen. My spouse and I ...
rizla's user avatar
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